Pianos are remarkable instruments with hundreds of moving parts and over 200 separate strings. Keeping a piano working well and in tune is an on-going process.
A Grand action ready for regulating
I generally advise tuning at least twice a year - once after the summer humidity has settled in (June or July), and again after the Winter dryness has settled in (December or January). You can get by tuning just once a year, but, for those last couple of months, the piano will be quite noticeably out of tune!
If you want a well tuned piano at all times, tuning 4 times a year is what I recommend.
In addition to tuning, I can also help with:
- Replacing broken strings
- fixing stuck or broken keys
- repairing pedals that don't work properly
- regulating the action (this can dramatically improve the "feel" of your piano)
- moving your piano